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Talking Money with Your Spouse

Hey there, mama! šŸ’° Are finances a touchy subject in your marriage? Do you avoid conversations about money because they feel too overwhelming, emotional, or, let’s be honest, awkward?


In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Certified Financial Planner® Melissa Murphy Pavone, and we’re diving into how to create an abundant mindset around money and strengthen your relationship with your spouse through financial communication.


Melissa is on a mission to change the game when it comes to couples and money. Through her 18-year long career, she noticed a troubling trend: many of her clients were divorcing due to poor financial communication. Instead of just helping pick up the pieces, Melissa decided to flip the script. She’s now dedicated to empowering couples to build stronger relationships through open, honest conversations about money.


With a blend of expertise and understanding, Melissa founded Money Matters in Marriage to help partners unpack their money stories, break down financial taboos, and dive deep into meaningful discussions about their shared financial future.


Melissa shares her expert tips on how to:


• Shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundant one.


• Host fun and productive “financial date nights” with your partner.


• Get on the same page about budgeting, debt, and savings without the stress.


• Model healthy money habits for your kids.


I love what she does to help teach her kids the value of money- she said when they go on vacation, she gives each kid a budget. She gives them physical money that they can actually hold in their hand, and this money has to last them the entire vacation. So this helps them think twice before spending, assuring it’s on something they truly want.


Another money-saving hack she shared that I absolutely loved was using gift cards as a budgeting tool. She shared that one of her clients didn’t realize how much money she was spending every month on coffee. When she made the conscious decision to scale back in this category of her spending, she bought a $100 gift card (she was previously spending $200/month at Dunkin Donuts), and then once she had exhausted the balance on the gift card, she was done for the remainder of the month! GENIUS!


We also talk about how open communication around finances can bring you and your spouse closer, help you tackle challenges as a team, and even teach your kids the value of money in a way that sets them up for success.


Let’s face it: money can be emotional, but it doesn’t have to be a source of conflict. It can actually be a tool for connection.


So grab your coffee, and let’s talk about turning those dollar signs into love notes!


Mentioned in this episode:


Melissa's website:




Let’s Connect!

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Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with a friend who might need a little financial TLC in their life!


You’ve got this, mama.

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Welcome to The Mom-entum Podcast! The show dedicated to inspiring, uplifting, and empowering women on their journey through motherhood.

Today, we’re diving into a topic that impacts every family: money—and more importantly, how we communicate about it. Let’s face it, financial conversations can be awkward, overwhelming, and downright stressful. But what if they didn’t have to be?

I’m thrilled to be joined by Melissa Murphy Pavone, a mom of two and a Certified Financial Planner®, as well as the founder of Money Matters in Marriage. Melissa is on a mission to change the game when it comes to couples and money. Over her 18-year career, she noticed a troubling trend: many of her clients were divorcing due to poor financial communication. Instead of just helping pick up the pieces, Melissa decided to flip the script.

She’s now dedicated to empowering couples to build stronger relationships through open, honest conversations about money. With a blend of expertise and understanding, Melissa founded Money Matters in Marriage to help partners unpack their money stories, break down financial taboos, and dive deep into meaningful discussions about their shared financial future.

In her work, she’s developed powerful tools and strategies to:

 Foster open, honest conversations about money—without the arguments.

 Navigate life transitions, like shifting from two incomes to one.

 Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

 Empower parents to teach their kids healthy money habits.

Whether you’re feeling stressed about debt, unsure how to budget, or want to align your financial goals with your partner, this episode is packed with relatable advice and practical steps to get you started.

By the end, you’ll walk away with actionable tips like:

How to host a financial date night that strengthens your relationship.

Fun ways to teach your kids about money.

Strategies to conquer debt without shame or overwhelm.

And why creating a cash flow plan (not a “budget”) could change everything.

Melissa’s work goes beyond just financial planning—it’s about creating deeper connections within families and fostering a legacy of financial confidence for the next generation.

So grab your coffee—and maybe even your partner—and let’s talk money, love, and building the life you truly want.

Don’t forget to check out the show notes for a special discount code to her money mindset discovery quiz and connect with her for a free consultation to start your financial journey today!

Let’s get started!

Tanya: All right. Melissa, welcome to the momentum podcast thank you so much for being here.

00:00:19.940 --> 00:00:21.709
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Thanks so much for having me, Tanya.

00:00:22.280 --> 00:00:40.339
Tanya: It's such a pleasure. I cannot wait to have this conversation with you. I think that there are so many women, and maybe even dads out there listening. That will benefit from this conversation. And I'm really excited to learn from you today. But can you start by introducing yourself to the audience.

00:00:40.630 --> 00:00:48.749
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Sure my name is Melissa Murphy Pavone. I am a certified financial planner and certified divorce financial analyst.

00:00:49.606 --> 00:00:58.199
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I live on Long Island. I am a mom. I have 2 kids. Caroline is 7 and a half, but you know, as a mom, the half is.

00:00:58.200 --> 00:00:59.480
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: where are you or app.

00:00:59.480 --> 00:01:00.659
Tanya: It matters. Yeah.

00:01:00.660 --> 00:01:04.659
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: It matters and my son Colin is 4.

00:01:05.129 --> 00:01:11.169
Tanya: Oh, oh! Our kids are close to the same age as my daughter just turned 7, and then my son just turned 5.

00:01:11.440 --> 00:01:13.699
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Okay, yeah. So we're in it.

00:01:13.900 --> 00:01:38.280
Tanya: Yes, definitely. All right. Well, we're going to talk about money today, which we've never discussed on this podcast before. But let's just jump right into it. And can you? Just explain. How do you start having open and honest conversations about money with our spouse, especially when it feels awkward or uncomfortable?

00:01:39.340 --> 00:01:53.609
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: It's not. It's not easy, right? And I'm not gonna say like, Oh, there's this perfect, you know. Plan how to do it. And a lot of it is based upon our generally generationally, how we talked about money growing up.

00:01:54.000 --> 00:02:13.759
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: But I think moving forward, we just have to do it, and you can make it fun. I like to have what's called like a financial date night and make a plan for, you know, spending saving you can throw like your family vacation planning in there. And it's

00:02:13.790 --> 00:02:16.179
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: it doesn't have to be this treacherous

00:02:17.300 --> 00:02:46.150
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: thing that causes stress. I think once you get over that anxiety of it, you can make it fun. And just think like this is your spouse. And, like you guys, do everything together and go in with an open mind. I actually started a company called Money Matters in Marriage, which helps people take like a mindset discovery quiz, and you get like a side by side report, because a lot of people were saying like, Hey, I don't know how to do this, you know, I don't

00:02:46.480 --> 00:02:59.540
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: start. It's awkward. We're we're already in our marriage. We already have kids. We're in a house we already have debt like, where do we go? And so this discovery quiz like spouse A takes it spouse. B takes it, and you got a side by side report.

00:02:59.880 --> 00:03:10.903
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and then you can have a follow up call with the Cfp. And kind of have, like an actionable plan to move forward. So that's like a good 1st step. If you can't do it yourself.

00:03:11.210 --> 00:03:12.989
Tanya: Oh, I love that.

00:03:13.460 --> 00:03:14.290
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, and I.

00:03:14.670 --> 00:03:16.040
Tanya: Link to that.

00:03:16.250 --> 00:03:23.979
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, I would love to. Yeah. And I'll I can give like your listeners, like a discount code, too. But I think it's it's 1 of those things that

00:03:24.720 --> 00:03:30.080
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: we don't talk about it until it's too late, you know, like a lot of people are focused on the wedding right?

00:03:30.650 --> 00:03:43.769
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: The Bachelorette party, and like the bridal party and the honeymoon. But and that's just all like a glimpse of time, you know, a month a day, and then it's over, and you have to spend your rest of your life

00:03:43.770 --> 00:04:02.540
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: hopefully with this person and build. You know a family together and build your financial future together, and people don't talk about those things, and it's awkward, and sometimes it gets too late. And it's a big cause of divorce. Later on. It's that kind of financial infidelity and lack of financial communication.

00:04:02.860 --> 00:04:04.649
Tanya: Yeah. Yeah.

00:04:05.140 --> 00:04:06.505
Tanya: Oh, my gosh,

00:04:07.750 --> 00:04:11.110
Tanya: So what advice

00:04:11.680 --> 00:04:22.289
Tanya: do you have for women who have transitioned from working and managing their own income to staying at home and becoming financially dependent on their spouse.

00:04:23.260 --> 00:04:24.160
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think

00:04:24.440 --> 00:04:43.730
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: it's people really struggle with this, and I think the thing that is most important is communication is key, and there's no right or wrong way to handle it. But you both need to talk about it and be on the same page. And one of the things part of the mindset discovery quiz is like, are we gonna contribute

00:04:43.850 --> 00:05:00.749
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: like dollar for dollar, or proportionally with our income? So like, if you don't make the same, if there's an income disparity, how does that work? And if I'm not going to be working, how does that work, you know, so that there's no resentment moving forward.

00:05:00.760 --> 00:05:01.930
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and

00:05:02.490 --> 00:05:10.669
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: there's a lot of ways to do it, and there's no right or wrong. I think it's just. You have to have a plan and communication. And sometimes

00:05:11.420 --> 00:05:13.739
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: we don't have that right. We're just like, okay. Now, we're having.

00:05:13.740 --> 00:05:14.080
Tanya: Right.

00:05:14.080 --> 00:05:27.669
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I'm staying home now. I don't want to go back to work now, what like and what does that look like? And we have to be willing to make those shifts of our lifestyle. Also, if you have 2 incomes coming in, you know, there's, you know, as a mother's like that

00:05:27.950 --> 00:05:33.890
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: cost benefit analysis of like, hey? If I pay a nanny or childcare like, am I not.

00:05:33.890 --> 00:05:34.220
Tanya: As it.

00:05:34.220 --> 00:05:35.950
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:05:35.950 --> 00:05:46.059
Tanya: It doesn't make sense. Because sometimes and you hear about that a lot like, even in my own life, yeah, like, it just doesn't make sense like I'm work. It seems like you're working just to pay for.

00:05:46.060 --> 00:05:47.670
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Okay, that's there. Yeah.

00:05:47.670 --> 00:05:55.119
Tanya: Missing out on. You want to be involved in their lives. And you're basically paying somebody else to rate it feels that way. Anyway.

00:05:55.120 --> 00:05:55.830
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:05:56.160 --> 00:05:56.960
Tanya: Yeah.

00:05:57.120 --> 00:05:58.900
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And it's really hard. Yeah.

00:05:58.990 --> 00:06:08.359
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And I think communication is the most important part of that to have a plan and know that it can be temporary. It's not for forever.

00:06:09.120 --> 00:06:17.220
Tanya: Yeah, yeah. And I keep hearing you say communication. And I know there are like so many people out there who

00:06:17.230 --> 00:06:21.039
Tanya: have a hard time, because it just feels so awkward.

00:06:22.300 --> 00:06:28.999
Tanya: Or it just feels so intimidating to like, have that conversation like, what if

00:06:30.520 --> 00:06:32.970
Tanya: they're already in it like they?

00:06:34.410 --> 00:06:40.229
Tanya: They already made the decision to like, be a stay at home, mom, it's been like a year, or maybe even longer.

00:06:40.300 --> 00:06:45.469
Tanya: like, how would you go about having the conversation now.

00:06:46.640 --> 00:06:49.240
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, I mean, I sometimes I think it helps.

00:06:49.830 --> 00:06:50.180
Tanya: Go ahead!

00:06:50.180 --> 00:07:02.140
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: You didn't talk about it at a time. You're in it like, bring somebody else in like a neutral 3rd party to be like, hey, this is our situation. How can we make this better? And sometimes, once you look at it.

00:07:03.000 --> 00:07:06.829
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: it is, you know, after tax, better.

00:07:07.340 --> 00:07:08.210
Tanya: Yeah.

00:07:08.210 --> 00:07:22.000
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: You know, or sometimes, if you look at those benefits of Okay, I have Fmla, or I have short term disability, or this is my maternity package, or there's paternity packages. So there's there's options there. And even if you're in it

00:07:22.530 --> 00:07:34.810
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: like doesn't mean like you just have to like, go at it alone, you know. Sometimes we need help, and sometimes having that kind of unbiased neutral 3rd party to be like, Hey, this is our situation. Got any advice.

00:07:34.890 --> 00:07:41.940
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and Cfps will do that for you. They'll just like kind of give you an overview. There's no judgment. There's no.

00:07:42.200 --> 00:07:54.130
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: you know. There, it's just like, here are some options. Here are some different ways to look at it, and then you get everyone on the same page which app without that resentment, because you never want that resentment, and you never want the guilt, because that doesn't go away.

00:07:54.130 --> 00:07:56.890
Tanya: No, no, it doesn't

00:07:58.880 --> 00:08:00.510
Tanya: And then many

00:08:00.620 --> 00:08:11.709
Tanya: stay at home. Moms feel inadequate or struggle with scarcity and lack when it comes to money because they're not contributing to the family in that way anymore.

00:08:11.820 --> 00:08:17.170
Tanya: So how can they shift their mindset to feel more empowered.

00:08:17.970 --> 00:08:22.990
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah. So I think being a mom is the most underpaid yet rewarding job there is.

00:08:23.000 --> 00:08:31.288
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: You never get a day off and you get paid in a combination of love, tears, and attitude, depending upon how old your kids are.

00:08:31.620 --> 00:08:32.250
Tanya: Yeah.

00:08:33.090 --> 00:08:54.160
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: But if you really think about it, and I do this exercise a lot with families and moms specifically. But if you had to pay somebody to pack lunches, to do laundry, to drive the kids to the activities, to buy the birthday gifts and schlept to the parties which, like how many birthday parties do we have to like? Go to on the weekends? It's insane

00:08:54.750 --> 00:09:06.390
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: just remembering spirit week and donating to the food pantry that that's like a full time job, and if you had to pay somebody hourly to do all of those things to reclaim.

00:09:06.910 --> 00:09:23.799
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: that is your contribution. And so you're not putting dollars into the bank per se. But if you're not there and I have this conversation a lot when we're doing financial planning and part of financial planning is insurance right to make sure that everybody is insured properly, and a lot of times they're like, Oh, I only need

00:09:25.500 --> 00:09:27.280
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: my husband because he works.

00:09:27.350 --> 00:09:32.759
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: We don't need insurance on my wife. She doesn't work. So I'm like, okay. But if something happened to Mom.

00:09:32.940 --> 00:09:44.729
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: who is going to do all of these things. You can't go to work and then do her job at home. And then people kind of just look at me like we actually need more insurance on Mom, because mom's more valuable, you know, like.

00:09:44.730 --> 00:09:45.310
Tanya: There are.

00:09:45.310 --> 00:09:57.569
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: You can't. You're not just gonna get one person to do all of those mom tasks like there's gonna be multiple people that would have to replace mom. And so I think that looking at it from that perspective

00:09:57.660 --> 00:10:06.930
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: changes, and it's not just for the mom, but for the other spouse as well, or whoever's staying at home for that other spouse to say, Wow, like you do a lot.

00:10:07.080 --> 00:10:11.280
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and it's not, perhaps dollar for dollar. But if we put

00:10:11.340 --> 00:10:17.030
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: a dollar amount associated, or an hourly rate associated with all of those tasks?

00:10:18.868 --> 00:10:21.139
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: It would be hard to replace.

00:10:21.140 --> 00:10:23.140
Tanya: Right definitely.

00:10:23.230 --> 00:10:25.290
Tanya: I love looking at it that way.

00:10:26.450 --> 00:10:31.059
Tanya: So for couples who have never created a budget before.

00:10:31.430 --> 00:10:38.690
Tanya: where do you think they should start. And are there any like simple strategies to make budgeting feel less overwhelming.

00:10:39.080 --> 00:10:44.893
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, so I I think the word budget cause I feel like budget is bad, and it feels like a diet.

00:10:45.210 --> 00:10:50.659
Tanya: And if you tell me I have to go on a diet, then all I think about is carbs and what I can eat right?

00:10:50.660 --> 00:10:51.010
Tanya: Yeah.

00:10:51.010 --> 00:11:12.269
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: So I like to refer to it as cash flow, because it's fluid, and there's money coming in, and there's money coming out. And it's not all static like. Obviously, we all have our fixed expenses, our mortgage or car payments or insurance. But there's a lot of discretionary spending or variable expenses that happen.

00:11:12.340 --> 00:11:34.639
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and sometimes they're monthly, and they go up or down, and sometimes they're just like one time expenses. You know, we're in an expensive season. It's holidays. We're tipping everyone. We're getting all the teachers gifts, we're, you know, like doing all that. So I always think December don't even look at the budget because there's or the cash flow, because there's no sense right? It totally sees the whole projections off. But

00:11:34.640 --> 00:11:58.870
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: one exercise I'm doing with Jan in January is like everybody like, think about how much you actually spend in these categories and make it kind of like a game like part of that financial date night like, how much do you think we actually spend in uber eats, or, you know, like in clothing or in kids activities like all of these things that we don't necessarily track, but we know money is going out for them.

00:11:59.700 --> 00:12:00.080
Tanya: Yeah.

00:12:00.080 --> 00:12:15.799
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And then do like a debit card diet or a credit card analysis, where you can give it to a financial planner, and they'll see how close or far off you are from your projections. And it's not like, okay. Oh, you're terrible, but you can see like, Oh, hey, I

00:12:15.930 --> 00:12:23.689
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: kind of spent a lot of money at Starbucks this month, like, maybe I can scale that back and like a small tweak is like, Hey

00:12:23.960 --> 00:12:35.339
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and I and I did this recently, like I we did, and coffee was one of the things. It was a nurse. She worked in a hospital, and so her, you know, kind of like relief was like the Dunkin donuts in the hospital.

00:12:35.850 --> 00:12:40.079
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and it was a couple $100 that she was spending a month

00:12:40.180 --> 00:12:51.600
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: at the duck and donuts. And she didn't, really she didn't realize it. And so what we did after it adds up right, coffee is not cheap anymore. And so what we did is we end up saying like, Hey, I'm going to a lot

00:12:51.690 --> 00:13:01.790
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: $100 to coffee for the month and bought a prepaid gift card loaded it, which is much easier now with all the apps, and then said, When that runs out, I'm not. I'm not.

00:13:01.790 --> 00:13:02.619
Tanya: And then you're done.

00:13:02.620 --> 00:13:12.039
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Use that for the month, then you use it. So you think twice about like, hey? Am I going to buy the extra treat, or you know, do it every day, if I don't necessarily need it.

00:13:12.520 --> 00:13:14.789
Tanya: That's a really good hack. I love.

00:13:14.790 --> 00:13:15.420
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:13:15.420 --> 00:13:19.570
Tanya: Buying a gift card and saying like once it's done. It's done like.

00:13:19.570 --> 00:13:40.150
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, wait until the next month to kind of reload it. And it kind of just like those tiny things will just make you a little bit more aware, and you think twice without saying like, no, you can't have any coffee. We all need coffee, especially as moms, but if you just like, tweak it a little bit. You you create some awareness, and you think twice about it. So it's not so reactionary.

00:13:40.400 --> 00:13:44.979
Tanya: Yeah. And I love the idea, too, of like making it a game like, how can like

00:13:44.990 --> 00:13:51.139
Tanya: having an audit and like looking at all of your expenses and like, how can we just like tweak this little thing

00:13:51.220 --> 00:13:55.929
Tanya: here and like just making it a game, seeing how much money you can save.

00:13:56.430 --> 00:14:19.319
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah. And some of the things are like, non negotiables. Right? Like, okay, I want to get my nails done, or I need to get my hair done. And like, that's okay. We can have that in a separate pile if it's like the golf club membership. Whatever it is. You guys can talk about that as a couple and be like all right. These are my non negotiables, you know, like this is important to me, and why this is part of self care, and I think that's important.

00:14:19.720 --> 00:14:21.180
Tanya: Yeah, yeah.

00:14:23.400 --> 00:14:28.930
Tanya: Okay. Well, on your once on your website, you mentioned offering like a different approach to wealth.

00:14:29.070 --> 00:14:34.900
Tanya: So can you just explain what makes your approach unique, and how it benefits the people you work with.

00:14:35.880 --> 00:14:53.179
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, so I think that a lot of financial advisors in general focus on the future and just investing. And my mantra is that we really need to unpack our financial past. Some of that is trauma, some of that is just generational learning about money.

00:14:53.555 --> 00:14:56.159
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: We definitely need to invest in our future.

00:14:56.380 --> 00:15:06.059
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: The most important thing is to live in the present, and that's very much easier said than done. But it's a balancing act. If we focus too much on the past.

00:15:06.180 --> 00:15:12.539
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: You're not gonna move forward, and if all you care about is the future, you're gonna miss the here and the now.

00:15:12.880 --> 00:15:35.830
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: So it's that balancing act of unpacking the past. Talking about it with your spouse. We all grew up in very different households, right? Different relationships, different socioeconomic statuses. But also, did you have an allowance like who bought your 1st car? Do you know? Is there inheritance like there's all these things that like we don't necessarily talk about.

00:15:35.830 --> 00:15:45.489
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: So once we unpack that and kind of craft your own money mantra together, and your money mindset, for, like your family, we can't fix the past right. We all have trauma.

00:15:45.490 --> 00:15:45.850
Tanya: Right.

00:15:45.850 --> 00:15:54.179
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: But if we talk about it, then sometimes you might understand like, Oh, why, you know why we do the things we do.

00:15:54.710 --> 00:15:55.450
Tanya: Yeah.

00:15:56.334 --> 00:16:01.820
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And I think the here and now is hard, like we could be in a very expensive season.

00:16:01.830 --> 00:16:04.419
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And that's okay. You know, it's.

00:16:04.420 --> 00:16:07.559
Tanya: Yeah, like, right now, we're in an expensive season.

00:16:07.690 --> 00:16:09.978
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yes, yes, we are

00:16:10.840 --> 00:16:39.699
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and that's okay, you know. But let's talk about it. Know it's temporary and know that, like, okay, after we get over this hurdle like, okay, we're gonna plan on putting more in retirement, or hey, like, we can't put as much money into the renovation fund right now. But that's okay. Cause that's not as important to us right now. We'll fix the house later, or you know we'll keep the car a couple more years. We don't have to get a new car, you know, like those little things, to just talk about them and

00:16:40.050 --> 00:16:44.139
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: think what's best for your family unit.

00:16:44.800 --> 00:16:48.580
Tanya: Okay, so do you think it's like

00:16:49.910 --> 00:16:56.830
Tanya: it sounds like everything comes down to communication. But it's like uncovering, like your

00:16:56.870 --> 00:17:06.770
Tanya: mindset with money, your spouses mindset with money, and then coming together and discussing like what's important

00:17:06.800 --> 00:17:10.559
Tanya: to the both of you. Kind of like compromising.

00:17:10.770 --> 00:17:14.329
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Definitely and how you want your children to view money right? Cause? That's.

00:17:14.339 --> 00:17:15.559
Tanya: Yeah.

00:17:15.629 --> 00:17:22.649
Tanya: which? Yeah, this wasn't 1 of my questions. But I do want to talk about like, how, yeah, how do you recommend

00:17:24.239 --> 00:17:28.549
Tanya: talking about money or teaching your kids about money like, do you recommend?

00:17:28.579 --> 00:17:34.429
Tanya: You know, I know that it's kind of like a controversial topic allowance, like some people are

00:17:34.639 --> 00:17:39.619
Tanya: like very against it. Others are not like, what's your take on that.

00:17:40.570 --> 00:17:42.940
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think that like just.

00:17:44.020 --> 00:17:58.050
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: it's hard, right? And I think it's harder for us. Because there's so much with social media in our faces. You know, there's like that pressure that we all have. But also we live in a cashless society.

00:17:58.050 --> 00:17:59.210
Tanya: Yeah.

00:17:59.480 --> 00:18:20.860
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: My daughter came home the other day was like my water bottle broke, and I was like, Okay, and she wanted a new one. And like the next morning the magic Amazon man created like, delivered a brand new water bottle on the porch. She didn't see me order it because I ordered it, while I was like applying neck cream and peeing at the same time at night time.

00:18:21.330 --> 00:18:26.269
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And then and then it came. She didn't see me pay for it. She didn't see me order it.

00:18:26.270 --> 00:18:28.450
Tanya: Peered out of thin air right like.

00:18:28.450 --> 00:18:36.339
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: It was like the magic, you know, water bottle. And I think about that. And it's not. It's not good, but we do it right like. And I'm

00:18:36.680 --> 00:18:37.290
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: events.

00:18:37.290 --> 00:18:38.930
Tanya: Cause it's convenient. Yeah.

00:18:38.930 --> 00:18:50.509
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: It's convenient, right? And we're multitasking. And we're trying to do all of the things, and we don't have time. And I am grateful as hell for Amazon, because I don't know what I would do without it as a mom. But

00:18:50.570 --> 00:18:55.389
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I try to one of the things that we do when we like, go on vacation.

00:18:55.690 --> 00:19:17.800
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: we give the kids some money, and you know how annoying is it when you go into a store or anywhere? Because, like, I want this. I want this. I want this right, like they want ice cream. They want a toy, they want a sweatshirt. And so, in order to try to teach like that delayed gratification, or that those choices we have been giving the kids money and saying, Here's your money

00:19:17.870 --> 00:19:40.930
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: you can choose. This is all the money you're getting, so if you want it on ice cream, if you want it on candy, if you want it on junk, or you know, Bubble, whatever in the toy store. This is all you're getting. You can choose to pull your money together. You can choose to save your money, but you're not getting any more money. So we can, you know. And so they try to start thinking like, Hey, okay, this is how much I have. If I buy this?

00:19:41.120 --> 00:19:46.780
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: What's going to be left? Or if I waste it here, there might be something at the next door that we didn't get to yet.

00:19:46.780 --> 00:19:47.530
Tanya: Right.

00:19:47.530 --> 00:20:16.900
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: To just teach the value of it. So they don't just get whatever they want, because it's very often that that magical water bottle just appears, and there's things like that all the time that I'm guilty of doing so when I have those teachable moments and can like pause, and we can try to be like on a united front together to try to teach them. And it's it's not easy, and I don't do it often, but when I do. You can kind of see their little brains working to be like, Hey, okay, like, do I really want this.

00:20:16.900 --> 00:20:20.899
Tanya: Right? Yeah, you actually like thinking about it. Yeah.

00:20:20.900 --> 00:20:21.500
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:20:21.670 --> 00:20:38.179
Tanya: That is so smart. I love that. And I'm going to use that idea, too. Like because they don't. They don't have. We don't use cash, and we had started to do an allowance system over the summer, and I'm guilty like I was not consistent with it, because it's just like we don't

00:20:38.630 --> 00:20:44.362
Tanya: have cash all the time. So it was like running to the bank to get like dollars.

00:20:46.130 --> 00:20:51.170
Tanya: But I love that idea of when you're going to the store, taking

00:20:51.230 --> 00:20:58.440
Tanya: some cash with you, giving like, deciding on like a set amount ahead of time, giving them each how, whatever

00:20:58.550 --> 00:21:08.539
Tanya: the amount is, and saying like this is how much money you have so like. Think about what you actually want like. This is how much this costs. How much money do you have like? Is it enough?

00:21:09.310 --> 00:21:13.420
Tanya: That is so smart cause? Yeah. And I struggle with

00:21:13.600 --> 00:21:20.190
Tanya: not wanting to pass on like the scarcity mindset that I feel like I

00:21:20.630 --> 00:21:35.920
Tanya: have inherited, you know. So I don't talk about money, or like I try not to like. Say, you know, things are expensive. But then, at the same time, I'm like, am I? I don't want them to feel entitled, or like not understand the value of.

00:21:35.920 --> 00:21:36.290
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:21:36.290 --> 00:21:40.050
Tanya: We can't just like go around buying everything.

00:21:40.980 --> 00:21:41.670
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:21:41.790 --> 00:21:51.289
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: there, there's this fine line, but between like empowering them and enabling them, you know, and it's and it's hard, and it's not.

00:21:51.760 --> 00:22:01.279
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: It's not easy, and you, you and your spouse, I think, really have to be on the same page about it, which is sometimes hard in, like the heat of the moment, to try.

00:22:01.280 --> 00:22:02.060
Tanya: Gonna be like.

00:22:02.060 --> 00:22:08.771
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Have that look or have that, you know. Be like, okay, are we gonna stick to our guns here, or are we going to? You know.

00:22:10.260 --> 00:22:16.560
Tanya: Yeah, but getting on the same page. And I love this idea of having like a financial date.

00:22:17.350 --> 00:22:29.169
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, you can make it fun like, open your favorite bottle of wine, get takeout like it doesn't have to be like, okay, we're sitting down with our taxes and like our checkbook, and you know it could be fun.

00:22:29.490 --> 00:22:30.740
Tanya: Right? Right?

00:22:32.480 --> 00:22:35.980
Tanya: So my next question was about debt.

00:22:36.220 --> 00:22:46.199
Tanya: You know it can be. I know it can be a major source of stress for families. So what steps can we take to address and manage debt in a healthy way?

00:22:47.160 --> 00:22:54.069
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think that not all debt is bad debt right? Like very few Americans own their house out.

00:22:54.070 --> 00:22:54.690
Tanya: True.

00:22:54.690 --> 00:23:02.670
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: To have mortgages, even our cars nowadays. It's not very, you know, growing up. My parents never had a car payment. They just

00:23:02.770 --> 00:23:17.180
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: bought the car that they could afford with the money that they had on hand. We all now drive Suvs. That cost as much as houses cost, that we grew up in, you know. So I think that not all that is bad. But we need to be realistic.

00:23:17.320 --> 00:23:21.690
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think it goes back to the expensive season like childcare

00:23:21.740 --> 00:23:39.529
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: is really expensive, and so like to know that you're in us like a it's temporary. And to know that, like your focus will shift after the kids are maybe in school full time, or you can go back to work, or, however, that looks for your family. That is temporary and just

00:23:39.950 --> 00:23:45.100
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: a big thing is communication. To know like what debt you have so like.

00:23:45.230 --> 00:23:54.770
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Financial infidelity is a thing, and sometimes it's gambling, sometimes it's shopping, sometimes it's student loans like whatever it is.

00:23:54.860 --> 00:24:13.219
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Come clean about it. Tell your spouse, and then get on the same page to paying it down together. It's not something to be embarrassed by. Also, you want to know, like, Hey, is this something that we can afford? Now? Are we trying to keep up with the Joneses, or

00:24:13.710 --> 00:24:19.199
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: something that we should like. Wait until we have a little bit more money to put towards.

00:24:19.660 --> 00:24:27.259
Tanya: Yeah, I love that. It makes me think of like what Brene Brown always says about shame like the what does she say? The anecdote to shame is.

00:24:27.690 --> 00:24:30.180
Tanya: what does she say? Vulnerability? So yeah.

00:24:30.180 --> 00:24:30.590
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah.

00:24:30.590 --> 00:24:35.469
Tanya: Clean or else a shame. It's just gonna grow and create more problems.

00:24:35.470 --> 00:25:04.570
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, and you. You'll feel better once, you know. And once it's out in the open and then together, you guys can put your heads together to be like, okay, let's get rid of this, or let's make a game plan, and, you know, get rid of this and and that could be part of it like your financial date night to be like. All right, we want to pay this credit card off by this time, and then at that point that will free up some cash flow so we can renovate our bathroom, or we can go on that vacation that we want to go on, you know so like, if you look at it

00:25:04.570 --> 00:25:13.110
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: as fluid cash coming in cash, going out and not look at it as like, oh, my God! This is the worst thing ever. We're never gonna get out.

00:25:13.110 --> 00:25:18.739
Tanya: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I even like, yeah, that terminology

00:25:18.750 --> 00:25:26.823
Tanya: switch. It does feel a little bit better. Cash flow like, let's talk about our cash flow rather than let's talk about a budget.

00:25:27.390 --> 00:25:35.509
Tanya: so what do you think are the most common money related issues that couples face, and how can they work through them together.

00:25:36.640 --> 00:25:39.490
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think it's the what ifs that?

00:25:39.530 --> 00:25:44.349
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: If you know, if everyone's making money spending money, things are good

00:25:44.670 --> 00:25:56.010
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and and we're kind of just like status quo. Right? Like, we're saving our money. We're buying our things. We're living our life. It's when the unexpected happens that really throws a wrench into the plan.

00:25:56.100 --> 00:26:02.469
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and that could be really where a financial professional can help and financial professionals.

00:26:02.510 --> 00:26:08.689
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: They hope for the best, but they're gonna prepare for the worst like behind the scenes, and part of that is like.

00:26:08.870 --> 00:26:11.170
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: is there an unexpected layoff.

00:26:11.470 --> 00:26:12.280
Tanya: Yeah.

00:26:12.280 --> 00:26:15.660
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And what does that look like? Is there an unexpected death?

00:26:15.740 --> 00:26:17.729
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Do we have insurance.

00:26:17.730 --> 00:26:20.439
Tanya: Or injury where somebody's out of work. Yeah.

00:26:20.440 --> 00:26:28.390
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, that's huge. If there is like something, a big ticket item that goes on your house like, is there an emergency

00:26:29.110 --> 00:26:30.220
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: cover that.

00:26:30.420 --> 00:26:30.890
Tanya: Yeah.

00:26:30.890 --> 00:26:35.399
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, those are big ticket items that we don't necessarily plan for

00:26:35.440 --> 00:26:45.659
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: like we do the electric bill and the cable bill. And so when something like that a $10,000 bill comes in. You're like, Ouch! Like, where is that coming from? So I think that's where

00:26:47.250 --> 00:27:14.079
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: detention starts from. So if you kind of like, prepare for that, and I'm a big proponent of insurance, but also an emergency fund like you should have 3 to 6 months of your living expenses tucked away in a high yield money market. And that's not part of the equation. That's just like the Oh shit fund! The burner broke. We're out of the job, you know. We got laid off, or we have like this big expense coming up.

00:27:14.720 --> 00:27:17.869
Tanya: Okay, I'm right. I'm taking notes.

00:27:19.270 --> 00:27:28.229
Tanya: So in your work. What is one piece of advice or strategy that has made the biggest difference, do you think, for the families you've helped.

00:27:29.150 --> 00:27:40.490
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think it's really like the financial date night that in the past money has been so taboo. Nobody talked about it. We didn't know how much our parents made. It was very like, Hush, hush.

00:27:40.802 --> 00:27:45.649
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: but moving forward, you can change that, and it's not like we have to, you know.

00:27:45.680 --> 00:27:59.379
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: listed in the newspaper and tell everyone about it. But within your own family unit you can have better communication and a healthier relationship with money and the communication around money, and that will have a ripple effect

00:27:59.450 --> 00:28:02.519
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: on the world going forward with your kids.

00:28:03.091 --> 00:28:06.790
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and your spouse. And I think that's really important.

00:28:07.350 --> 00:28:08.320
Tanya: Yeah.

00:28:08.420 --> 00:28:16.410
Tanya: And then how can we cultivate a mindset of abundance and financial confidence even during challenging times?

00:28:17.600 --> 00:28:18.500
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I think

00:28:18.870 --> 00:28:41.869
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: it's hard with the media because bad news sells right. The media is constantly telling us the world is coming to an end. The market's going to crash, and the truth of the matter is, it's all bullshit right. Their goal is to sell ad space, and your goal is to keep your family like within your family unit, your financial plan?

00:28:42.294 --> 00:28:52.899
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: And I think if you just ignore the noise and really just focus on you, you your spouse, your kids, your family, your balance sheet.

00:28:53.600 --> 00:29:06.139
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and you don't have to worry about everything else that's going on with the world or keeping up with the Joneses, you know it's really hard, you know you, we often, and with social media, compare ourselves to others. Right? Based

00:29:06.970 --> 00:29:23.830
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: the assets that we see that people have right. Oh, they have a really big house. They have a really nice car. Oh, she has a really nice pocketbook, but they're not also showing their mortgage statement, their release payments, or their credit card debt. Right? So, like all of those things.

00:29:23.920 --> 00:29:28.570
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: are not necessarily transparent. So if you just block those things out

00:29:28.870 --> 00:29:33.640
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and really shift inward to your family. What's important to you like what

00:29:33.640 --> 00:29:42.494
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: car is not important to you? Right? Like a car is a car. An Suv is an Suv like you don't have to have the biggest, baddest, you know, newest one

00:29:43.220 --> 00:29:50.500
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and think about just what is important. Long term like, sometimes people say, like, Okay, I want to retire earlier.

00:29:50.600 --> 00:29:56.630
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: you know. And so because of that, I'm going to not spend as much now, you know, or

00:29:57.030 --> 00:30:20.550
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Hey, I really want to travel. And that's why I'm not gonna have as as many materialistic items. So you have to really think about your personal values of like is the stuff important or the experiences important? Is the investing in the legacy important, and find that balancing act. But it's not a 1 size fits all. It's really custom to your family.

00:30:20.550 --> 00:30:23.359
Tanya: Yeah, for sure, for sure.

00:30:23.870 --> 00:30:30.399
Tanya: And then if someone is interested in learning more, where can they find you? And how can they work with you?

00:30:30.750 --> 00:30:45.739
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Yeah, so money matters and is the online discovery quiz, and we can give a code. Mom 25, to get 25% off for all listeners who want to take that discovery quiz

00:30:46.082 --> 00:31:10.689
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: and is my financial planning site. And I offer complimentary consultation. So feel free to just book like a 30 min. Zoom. Happy to just kind of bounce ideas and point you guys in the right direction, if it's not me that you want to work with. But I can kind of point you to the other financial professionals that you might need in your life. At this point.

00:31:11.000 --> 00:31:15.250
Tanya: That's awesome. So do you work, people that work with people virtually.

00:31:15.470 --> 00:31:16.539
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I do. Yeah.

00:31:16.770 --> 00:31:17.900
Tanya: Okay. Okay.

00:31:17.900 --> 00:31:18.810
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: I do?

00:31:19.500 --> 00:31:35.139
Tanya: Awesome. Well, this has been so great. I know I learned so much. I cannot wait to hear feedback from everybody who listens today, and I'll be sure to link all this stuff in the show notes. So everybody you can

00:31:35.250 --> 00:31:45.209
Tanya: head on over to the website. Or I think I'll also have it wherever you're listening. Below. Okay, so thank you so much, Melissa. It was such a pleasure.

00:31:45.210 --> 00:31:46.000
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Pleasure, having you.

00:31:46.000 --> 00:31:48.239
Tanya: Everyone. It was so nice meeting you.

00:31:48.710 --> 00:31:50.099
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: Have a great day.

00:31:50.100 --> 00:31:53.709
Tanya: You, too, and enjoy your holiday season.

00:31:53.710 --> 00:31:55.069
Melissa Murphy Pavone, CFP® , CDFA®: You too.

00:31:55.070 --> 00:31:55.830
Tanya: Bye.

What an incredible conversation with Melissa! We covered so much ground today about breaking down the barriers around financial communication in relationships and embracing the value we bring to our families.

Melissa reminded us that money doesn’t have to be a taboo topic—it can be a tool to bring couples closer together. From hosting financial date nights to shifting our mindset from scarcity to abundance, she gave us practical strategies to make those money conversations less intimidating and even fun!

For all the stay-at-home moms out there, Melissa delivered a powerful message: You are invaluable. If we were paid an hourly rate for all the thankless tasks we do—packing lunches, chauffeuring kids, remembering birthdays, managing the home—it would be impossible to replace. Melissa reminded us that even though we don’t get sick days or clock out at 5 p.m., our contributions to the family are immeasurable. It’s time to recognize that worth and let go of scarcity and lack.

Here are some key takeaways:

Start where you are. Whether it feels awkward or uncomfortable, opening up about money is the first step to stronger communication.

Budgeting is about cash flow, not restriction. It’s fluid—money comes in, money goes out. And understanding that flow is empowering.

Debt doesn’t define you. Vulnerability and teamwork can help couples create a plan and tackle debt together.

Teach your kids financial literacy. Whether it’s giving them a vacation budget or modeling thoughtful spending, we set the tone for their future.

Recognize your value as a mom. You are the glue that holds it all together, and your contributions are worth honoring—financially and emotionally.

Melissa’s passion for helping families shines through in everything she does. She’s empowering couples to communicate openly, shift their mindsets, and create legacies of financial confidence for the next generation.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into this work, visit to explore her tools and resources, and don’t forget to use the discount code MOM25 to receive 25% off the money mindset discovery quiz.

Let’s carry this conversation forward. Start talking to your partner, embrace your worth, and take those first steps toward a brighter financial future.

Thank you for listening, and I’ll see you next week for more inspiration, connection, and momentum!


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